For immediate release
Contact: Nick Egorov
Company: Gladiators Software
E-mail: press[AT]astonshell.com
Gladiators Software are calling your attention to Star Blaze, a space shooter
game, which is a leisure exception to the functional software, produced by the
company. If you're the one who enjoys a real fast-paced arcade fighting, you'll
find Star Blaze worth a download.
Star Blaze is a classic "kill'em all" scrolling arcade game, featuring modern
32 bit graphics with great FX and skeletal animation, sound and hardcore
gameplay. It provides supreme entertainment due to amazing visual effects and
original atmospheric soundtrack.
In Star Blaze a player navigates his ship (one of the 4, up to his choice)
over a scrolling space and crushes his enemies in the depths of the space, on
the deadly ground, dark ocean waters and even reach the core planet Retulla. 80
enemy types plus bosses at the end of each level - more than enough to satisfy a
want of adrenalin even for a sophisticated gamer, isn't it? As you speed along
through 24 unique game levels, organized into 4 episodes, you can see the ruins
of lost civilizations, the beauty of the underwater and horrible underground
tunnels. Weapon upgrades, power-ups and bonuses let you collect resources and
give your spacecraft more firepower to annihilate the dark forces. Nice looking
and friendly UI gives you total control over your ship. There is also an
opportunity to invite a friend and double the firepower in a two-player
cooperative mode.
"We wanted players to feel really carried away with the game," says Nick
Egorov, the president of Gladiators Software. "Every aspect of it was important
for us - graphics, soundtrack, gameplay, variety of elements. We worked them out
very carefully to make if not everyone then at least every arcade-fan happy."
About Gladiators Software:
Founded in Moscow, Russia, Gladiators software specializes in Desktop
replacement and enhancement software for Windows. Its two main products are
Aston Shell and AltDesk. Nevertheless, Gladiators Software's product lineup
includes also two games, one of which is the above-described Star Blaze.
Copyright: © 2006 Gladiators Software, Inc. All other trademarks and registered
trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.
For more information, contact Gladiators Software at:
E-mail: press[AT]astonshell.com
Web site: http://www.astonshell.com
Star Blaze: http://www.astonshell.com/starblaze
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